Underscored or underlined text. The (freestanding) underscore character, _, also called a low line, or low dash, originally appeared on the typewriter so ...
2021/04/28 · It's basically emojis. Pretty much all the ones u mentioned means that the other person is annoyed, or done with you.
_. may refer to: (._.) , an emoticon representing sadness or boredom; The letter R in Morse code · Disambiguation icon. This disambiguation page lists ...
An underscore, _, also called an underline, low line or low dash, is a line drawn under a segment of text. In proofreading, underscoring is a convention ...
2018/04/17 · And the _ is just a placeholder - it means throw whatever you would assign to this if it was a variable away. 4 Likes.
theasciicode.com.ar からの_
ASCII code _ , underscore , understrike , underbar or low line, American Standard Code for Information Interchange, ASCII table, characters, letters, ...
2014/11/12 · '_' is a legal python character just like most other Programming Languages. I think MATLAB is the exception where you cannot use that for any ...
www.reddit.com からの_
2023/05/26 · Nothing. It's just the name of the file. In UNIX like systems, a file name starting vith a ' . ' is hidden from directory listings by ...